i’m on a float

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June 26, 2012 by Jo

Friday night’s supper club was a small one. Not sure if the BYOM theme just wasn’t up everyone’s alley or what, but we ended up with four of us and it was a near-perfect evening. We grilled, we ate, we laughed.

Saturday was a typical mixed bowl, as our Saturdays tend to be. An old theatre friend of ours got hitched out in the country right after lunch, and then one of my childhood friends tied the knot that afternoon. After all that I went over to see IMP’s production of “Oliver!” at the new Lee High School. The facility was beautiful (I can’t wait to work in that black box!) and I sat with my old pal Sean, who is the theatre teacher there. The show was very well done and it was nice to have a night out to myself.

And then on Sunday Jeff, Tyler and I headed to Birmingham to meet up with some friends and float the Cahaba river. We ran by Wal-Mart and grabbed $5 water shoes and sunglasses, stopped to pee and then headed out to Montevallo to the drop-in.

Now, I knew this would be a supremely Southern thing to do. But I had no idea how totally Southern I would feel, floating down that ancient river on a tire innertube, with our cooler of beer accessible and shouts of “ROLL TIDE” drifting across the water.

There is so much I love about the South. We try things no one would ever think of, whether that means putting sugar in tea and pouring it over ice or sending a rocket to the moon. We’re just courageous in different ways; sometimes that courage gets us in trouble, but sometimes it means we pave the way.

That Ryan Adams lyric “All the sweetest winds they blow across the South” is straight truth, ain’t it?

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